Creating Ho has been a full-of-fun journey and a very stimulating project. Ho is an imaginary sonic expedition to Vietnam, plenty of adventures and drama. Although it is immersed in a three-dimensional visual environment, it has a focus on sound. In Ho, the performer, sound artist or casual visitor, becomes ‘the captain of a ship,’ who controls a sound-wheel interface inspired by maritime navigation. While 'navigating', he/she leads listeners to an aural journey with critical stops at specific locations. Such scenes are my personal imaginary reconstruction of a number of sketchy stories with unique sound interest and located in Vietnam. Audiovisual scenarios vary from a rickshaw trip finding your way out of a sonic-maze, to experiencing a zebra crossing in a jungle of cars and mopeds, or even having an argument in a restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City, because you dislike eating live giant squids...
This Research Diary provides a contextualisation for the concept of navigation through sound and identifies new research and creative questions arising, which may be solved with creative practice. However, at the end of the day it is simply a piece of creative work, which I hope you enjoy!. Ricardo Climent