11 July 2009

Temple Maze-> Rickshaw trip Scene

Above, sound maze with DB's temple pictures
It seems like my trip to Vietnam has to wait for now. My colleague David Berezan passed on to me a few pictures taken during his family visit to Vietnam, just a few years back. I selected two from a temple and created this sound maze for the Rickshaw Scene (scene 7), during a 5 hours delay flight from Liverpool to Berlin (thanks Easyjet for the time and Liverpool airport for the wall power sockets, as they are gradually disappearing from airports).
I have also included some physics and added OSC python code to detect proximity when approaching the gates (there is one only for now).
The maze was created using the python city block generator 249 from the blender community. The physics to open /close the gate are adapted old code from Not a Number (NaN) by Joeri Kassenaar .